"If you crash a car into your best friends house,
would you be quiet as words came out of their mouth.
“stop don’t do it, i have been waiting for it,
stop i knew it would come”
If you find a guard next to your girlfriends bed,
would it be hard to sort out your spinning head.
stop don’t say that dear, that you wanted him here.
stop don’t give him the clear.
take a picture of them.
take a picture of them"
Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Pictures
would you be quiet as words came out of their mouth.
“stop don’t do it, i have been waiting for it,
stop i knew it would come”
If you find a guard next to your girlfriends bed,
would it be hard to sort out your spinning head.
stop don’t say that dear, that you wanted him here.
stop don’t give him the clear.
take a picture of them.
take a picture of them"
Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Pictures
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Wszystkie składniki mieszamy w blenderze na gładką masę. Z powstałej masy formujemy nieduże kulki, obtaczamy je w wiórkach kokosowych.
Przechowujemy w lodówce.